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Where are your shares listed and traded?
Newell Brands common stock is listed and traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol NWL.
How do I find current and historical NWL stock price information?

Please visit Stock Information for more information.

What is the current dividend for Newell Brands?

Please visit Dividend History for more information.

Who should I contact if I have questions about dividend payments, shareholder records, stock certificates, stock transfers or other shareholder-related inquiries?

Please contact Computershare Investor Services. They are the transfer agent and registrar for our common stock.

Computershare Investor Services 1-877-233-3006 or 312-360-5217
Web site:

Mailing Address: Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078

Overnight Correspondence: Computershare Investor Services
150 Royall St.
Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021

With what types of things can the transfer agent assist me?

Name/Address Change

Direct Deposit of Dividends

Dividend Payments

Duplicate Mailings

Electronic Receipt of Annual Report and Proxy Statement

Ex-Employee Questions

Family Member Deceased

Gift Shares

Lost Dividend Check

Lost Stock Certificate

Lost Form 1099

Shareholder Records

Stock Transfers

Buy Stock Directly

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Reissued Stock Certificates

Where can I find cost basis and tax information (IRS Form 8937) regarding the combination of Newell Rubbermaid and Jarden Corporation?

Please click here for the IRS Form 8937.

I owned shares of Jarden Corporation prior to the combination with Newell Rubbermaid. What was the conversion?

Consideration for each share of Jarden Corporation common stock was equal to $21 in cash and 0.862 of a share in Newell Brands stock.

Where can I find issue price disclosure information for the Newell Notes issued in exchange for certain Jarden Notes?

Please click here for more information.

Can I buy stock directly?

You can purchase Newell Brands stock directly from the company's transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services. They also offer a dividend reinvestment plan to registered shareholders who own at least one share. For more information, visit Computershare at

How can I get copies of Newell Brands’ SEC filings, press releases and annual reports?

Please see the following pages of our Investor Relations Web site:

How can I be added to the Newell Brands email distribution list?

Please visit Email Alerts to be added to our email distribution lists.

When does Newell Brands report its quarterly earnings?

Newell Brands formally announces its earnings release date and conference call time in a press release at least two weeks prior to the call date. Typically, the company reports approximately one month after the quarter ends.

When does Newell Brands' fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends December 31.

Where can I find information on Newell Brands’ board of directors?

Please visit Board of Directors for more information.

Where can I find information on Newell Brands' executive leadership?

Please visit Leadership for more information.

Where can I find the Newell Brands investor relations contacts?

Please visit Investor Relations Contact for more information.

Where can I find information on Newell Brands' global tax strategy?

Please click here for more information.

What if I have another question that hasn't been answered?
Please submit your question using the form on the Investor Relations Contact page.